Koh Kong

The Beach

Twenty Five minutes from Koh Kong is Koh Yor beach. With its long quiet white sands this is a great place to relax. The sea is usually calm which makes for a pleasant swim. There are numerous Seafood Shacks along the beach where you can sit in a hammock with a cold beer after munching some Crab, Slipper Lobster, or what have you. On weekends it is quite popular with locals from Koh Kong (though still rarely crowded), during the week you might have the place to yourself except maybe at sunset when some people come down for selfies.

  • Koh Kong


Twenty Five minutes from Koh Kong is Koh Yor beach. With its long quiet white sands this is a great place to relax. The sea is usually calm which makes for a pleasant swim. There are numerous Seafood Shacks along the beach where you can sit in a hammock with a cold beer after munching some Crab, Slipper Lobster, or what have you. On weekends it is quite popular with locals from Koh Kong (though still rarely crowded), during the week you might have the place to yourself except maybe at sunset when some people come down for selfies.

Koh Kong Tours