Phnom Penh

All Phnom Penh Attractions

As the bustling Capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, is at the confluence of the Mekong and Tonlé Sap rivers. From the Khmer Empire to today these rivers have been vital for trade. Along the riverside you will find the Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda and the National Museum, as well as tree lined parks, bars and restaurants. The Art Deco Central Market completed in 1937 is just one of many of the citys architectural gems. A short distance away are the notorious Killing Fields Tuol Sleng, and S-21 prison.

Koh Dach (Silk Island)

Koh Dach (Silk Island)

Silk Island, Koh Dach, is just a short distance from Phnom Penh by boat. This quiet island in the ...

Toul Sleng Genocide Museum

Toul Sleng Genocide Museum

The prison, Toul Sleng was previously a high school, the Khmer Rouge converted it to become the ...

River Cruise

River Cruise

Phnom Penh sits at the confluence of the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers. A cruise along them is a ...

Wat Phnom Phnom Penh

Wat Phnom Phnom Penh

In the center of Phnom Penh is Wat Phnom, this Buddhist Temple sits on a hill and for a long time ...

National Museum Phnom Penh

National Museum Phnom Penh

In the center of the city, close to the Royal Palace, lies the National Museum of Cambodia. Housing ...

Royal Palace Phnom Penh

Royal Palace Phnom Penh

On the banks of the Mekong sits the Royal Palace of Cambodia, built by King Norodom in 1866. After ...