Stung Treng

Kantuy Ko

This sanctuary, located on an Island in the Mekong, is one of the few places to see the endangered Indochinese Tiger. There is a small village on the island, the people there run the sanctuary, a habitat for many animals and plants. Due to its unique location in the river the island is constantly changing from the wet to the dry seasons. Areas become flooded, the water recedes, and new islets appear. Located close to Stung Treng, this is a great day trip.

  • Stung Treng


This sanctuary, located on an Island in the Mekong, is one of the few places to see the endangered Indochinese Tiger. There is a small village on the island, the people there run the sanctuary, a habitat for many animals and plants. Due to its unique location in the river the island is constantly changing from the wet to the dry seasons. Areas become flooded, the water recedes, and new islets appear. Located close to Stung Treng, this is a great day trip.